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(Archived) Feature requ.: Combine notes in the order they were selected



Currently the notes are combined in the current sort order.

Probably many have their sort order set to reverse change-date or create-date, thus new notes are on top of the list.

If you generate a couple of notes for a special topic and want to combine these later into a single note, you usually generate these notes in the order you like to see them in the combined note. It is the natural workflow to start at the top and work towards the bottom and not vice versa.

If you now select your notes and combine them, this order is reversed, e.g. your last note is on the top of the combined note.

To circumvent this you have to temporarily reverse your sort order, then combine the notes, then revers the sort order again. A pain, especially, if you have a lot of notes already in your notebook.

Thus my suggestion: Save the order in which the to be combined notes are selected (individual or first/last selection) and then combine them in exact that order.


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2 replies to this idea

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I would love to have the ability to combine notes simply. As an example, if I scan a document, it creates a note. If I wrote a letter or an email, I'd love to be able to combine the different notes into a single logical note, one for each transaction.

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