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Gnotes: the simplest possible markdown to Evernote service


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Hi all,

I made a simple service to let you write Markdown notes on your local machine or mobile phone, using your preferred text editor, and have it synced via Dropbox to Evernote:


It's very lightweight atm. One-way syncing only. No tags. No sub-folders. I can add these things later if enough people are interested...


  • I really like Evernote. But I don't like the interface to Evernote. As a coder, I like the interface to Atom, Sublime Text, and iTerm.
  • I love writing in a plain text editor with Markdown format. Markdown is a beautiful thing. Unfortunately, Evernote doesn't let me use markdown.
  • I like to write a lot of notes and Evernote isn't the most convenient thing to pull up.
  • Sometimes I like to write very long notes and Evernote gets laggy.
  • I don't like to rely on a third party service to hold all my content, so it's nice to have a local copy of everything.
  • And... I was curious about AWS Lambda and needed a good test project.

I couldn't find the solution I wanted (which was so simple, I couldn't believe somebody didn't do it already...), so I created a free service to write in markdown and have it synced to Evernote. You can use any text editor to write markdown on your local machine (Atom, Sublime Text, Visual Studio, Notepad), save it into a linked Dropbox folder, and it will appear as a properly formatted note in Evernote within a few seconds.

I also use the Jottings app on my iPhone to link to the same dropbox folder so that notes from my phone can also appear on my computer desktop and Evernote. 

Works great for me! If you have feedback, let me know.




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Hi HerbyDE -

Will you please try to create a new file and/or save an existing file? I think the error is now resolved. I'm sure there are plenty of other bugs in this little app, but the one you were experiencing is probably taken care of.



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Thank you again - now this works too!

Great! So it is possible for my iOS and Windows Markdown Apps to configure the Dropbox path as standard path - absolutly great!!! Will write a blog posting the next days about your work.

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Glad you'll get some value out of it.

I also quite enjoy having my markdown files on local computer and mobile devices. It's great to be able to add a thought to a markdown note from my phone and have it synced immediately to the laptop and Evernote.

Let me know when you post the blog writeup and I'll tweet it as well :) 


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