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Yes...and the same for the MAC. I really meant while looking at it online @ Evernote.com. Since I can't use the app on my corporate laptop, I must use it in a browser. It doesn't work at all in IE6, but does in FireFox 3.0.3, but doesn't sort. sorry about the confusion.

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Just started using Evernote.

This is the one flaw that I see with it. I kept notes in Outlook, and when I went to Motorola Droid needed a way to sync them with my phone. I had to use the older version (3.1) to get it to actually sync between XP and Droid, but that solution was easily found in the forums.

I may never update a note once it's created since I just keep them for reference, so sorting by creation date or date edited is of no benefit for me.

Being able to sort by Tag would also be helpful.

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