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Recursive Clipping

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I'm  using the Windows client through wine on my Linx machine along with the Android client on my tablet  and phone and the Firefox Webclip addon.

I've been digging everywhere for a solution for importing some notes I have that are exported into a recursive html output with links to the various notes.

In all, a nice export which shows a TOC when the the index.html page is loaded. All the links work.


Now I have been trying to figure out if it's possible to import this into EN without the painfull process of trying to clip page by page which is not an option I would live with. Close to 300 pages.


I was hoping that EN would have similiar features to the scrapbook addon for firefox which imported this in 1 step perfrectly.


What are my options?



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  • Level 5*

Hi.  Evernote has only the import options that you see.  If you want to convert your HTML pages the most practical step might be to create an AHK (or similar) script that will clip a page,  step to the next link,  clip a page...  and repeat.

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