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Finding ToDos within a Note

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Finding Notes which contain open Todos is one thing; but is there anyway of easily finding the open Todo Items within a Note, to avoid having to scan through the entire note looking for that open Check Box.

Often a Note could be very large, and although you know that Open Checkbox is there somewhere, because the page appeared when you search for 'all Open ToDos', trying to find all Open Checkboxes within that Note can be time consuming and laborious. And you're never really sure you've seen ALL the Open Todos within the Note.


Any cleaver ideas greatly appreciated.


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  • Level 5*

Don't know of any clever ideas relative to finding a check box within a note. 


If you do this a lot, a work around could be to use an underscore to start each Todo within the note. for example,  _This is a to do item.  The underscore is searchable and doesn't appear all that often in general, so a Ctrl-F in the note will find all of the Todos.  A work around for sure.  FWIW.

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