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Font Size Menu Options

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In Note Editor I have the following options when clicking on "SIZE" drop-down list:


9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 18 - 24 - 36 - 48 - 64 - 72


I would like to include other options like 16 - 20 - 22 which I use all the time.



How do I insert new option in this menu?



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  • Level 5*

I agree, the current font and font size selections are limited and a PITA.


As a workaround, I select the text I want, choose the closest size, and then hit CMD+ or CMD- until I get the desired size.

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I must agree with the PITA part :) as this does not seems to be a hard task to implement (AMOF I believe it's pretty basic programming/linking to resources that MacOS already opens to programmers).


As I clip a lot from web and when reading I always reformat the clipped article I feel really limited with almost no styling options (preformatted styles).


Currently I adjusted my text styling to what Evernote let me do ( although it should be on the contrary... )


Thanks anyway for the fast response and the suggestion!

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