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The option to back up my Evernotes doesn't exist in my version!

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I looked up the information for how to back up my evernotes so I could have access to it on the hard drive.  Just in case.  It's like the fire alarm--you don't expect to have a fire where you live, but you still have the fire alarm just in case.  So this is NOT saying anything bad about Evernote!  I think it's awesome actually.


The problem is, the option to back up--when I follow the instructions, that option just doesn't exist in my version, it seems.


It's the free version.


Wondering if the option to back up is available for the free version?


Or what can I do?



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  • Level 5*

Hi Tanny.  It's possible to backup both free and Android desktop versions,  but if you have a mobile device that's not so easy.  What are you using - Windows / Mac / iOS / Android?

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  • Level 5*

As you're on a Windows machine,  all your data is stored in one folder here - C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Evernote\Evernote\Databases (unless someone changed it).  To back up Evernote,  just copy that folder somewhere safe.

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