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Unsubscribe Link in e-mails does not work

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When I click on an unsubscribe link in e-mails which I started receiving every day from Evernote, it takes me to the index page and nothing happens. This violates the European Law, in particular Directive 2002/58/EC (E-Privacy Directive):

Article 13

Unsolicited communications

1. The use of automated calling systems without human intervention (automatic calling machines), facsimile machines (fax) or electronic mail for the purposes of direct marketing may only be allowed in respect of subscribers who have given their prior consent.

2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, where a natural or legal person obtains from its customers their electronic contact details for electronic mail, in the context of the sale of a product or a service, in accordance with Directive 95/46/EC, the same natural or legal person may use these electronic contact details for direct marketing of its own similar products or services provided that customers clearly and distinctly are given the opportunity to object, free of charge and in an easy manner, to such use of electronic contact details when they are collected and on the occasion of each message in case the customer has not initially refused such use.

Obviously the link is there, but it does not work. 
Best regards.
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While I agree that Evernote should look into and fix whatever is broken about that unsubscribe link, in the meantime you might be able to log into your account at www.evernote.com, navigate to your Account Settings>Personal Settings>Emails, and uncheck those you don't want (or all of them!).

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Scott's answer delicately tries to hide the sophistry that Evernote is using to keep people stuffed into their email pocket and is insulting to those of us that simply want to unsubscribe from the forced marketing which is thrust into us like victims of a bad date rape.


FIX THE UNSUBSCRIBE LINK INSTEAD - because you are also in violation of US Law and we all know that the broken link is by design and trying to deny it makes you that much more culpable.


- Marco


PS: I was actually interested in your product and evaluating it for our organization - unfortunately, it's the little things that your marketing department might have overlooked that makes a big difference over here in consumer land.

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Let me preface this by saying that I am not an Evernote Employee and I have no stake in Evernote. 


Scott's answer delicately tries to hide the sophistry that Evernote is using to keep people stuffed into their email pocket and is insulting to those of us that simply want to unsubscribe...

I suggested that Evernote "should look into and fix whatever is broken about that unsubscribe link", which seems to be broken. I then go on to offer the OP a way to immediately fix his Evernote email woes so that he doesn't have to deal with the unwanted emails. 

My answer does nothing to hide anything. I don't have any insider knowledge so I don't know what could be hidden nor how to hide it! Maybe Evernote does have some fiendish plan to keep us "in their email pocket", and maybe that broken unscubscribe functionalities is part of that plan. I have no clue either way. I directly acknowledge​ that the unsubscribe link seems to be broken based on the OP's description and I offered him an immediate way to fix the problem for himself rather than wait for Evernote to resolve their unsubscribe issue (if they ever do). 

What I do not​ do is speculate about why it may be broken, because I don't know why. 



FIX THE UNSUBSCRIBE LINK INSTEAD - because you are also in violation of US Law and we all know that the broken link is by design and trying to deny it makes you that much more culpable.


This is a user forum. While Evernote staff do periodically read posts and respond, the best way to communicate with them is directly with a support ticket. I am not affiliated with Evernote, just a user. And also a Canadian, and technically Evernote would also be violating Canadian laws as well (though I don't get their emails since I set my preferences accordingly, and therefore was not in a position to detect the unsubscribe problem). 

 the forced marketing which is thrust into us like victims of a bad date rape.

I understand that you are frustrated, but I take serious issue with you equating receiving unwanted email with date rape. I think this is immensely disrespectful and thoughtless and ultimately trivializes the experience of being a victim of sexual assault. It is also not really in the spirit of this community (it may well be triggering for some members). Please think before you write. 

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