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Download Webclipper button not working (IE11)


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Trying to click "Download Webclipper" on evernote.com/webclipper/ but nothing happens when I click the button. Status bar says it's just trying to go to the same page .../#


Since there's nothing posted in your status or forums about this being a known problem today, I've spent time trying to fix it on my end.


I have tried flushing my cache, deleting temp files, restarting browser, rebooting computer, All with same results.


Any suggestions? Thanks.



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The only way to install the Web Clipper for IE is to install the Evernote Windows client. So assuming you have that you may need to expose the command bar in IE or enable the Web Clipper in the add-ins module in IE.

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  • 1 month later...

In explorer,I can only use the web clipper if I sign into the evernote web. No elephant on tool bar, just a green E that only works from web. When I use the toolbar, it doesn't accept my identifiers although those same identifiers work everywhere else. I contacted support who gave me several suggestions, including uninstall E/reinstall, but didn't fix problem. In add-on management, it only lists E, not a separate clipper.

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