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Scanning Recipes

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I am trying to scan recipes from my ix500; They scan in fine but no titles are scanned in, only numbers and .jpg  etc. I am a novice at this, so forgive my ignorance, but I am trying to scan all my recies into Evernote and so far they scan into okay, but no titles, just numbers. What setting do I have to use to get the program to display the titles? Someone told me I have to use the Evernote scanner instead of the ix500 scanner to be able to do that. Anyone heard that? Any help would be appreciated.

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  If you scan a printed recipe you'll get a picture of the recipe page including the title and any other pictures or content.  The title of that scan file will be something like a date in yyyymmdd format.  You should be able to edit the name of the scan file to include "spicy meat stew" or whatever,  but it won't appear automagically.  The Evernote scanner won't do any better job with file names.  some parts of scanning just have to be manual.

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