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Cannot sync


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About a week ago my premium service expired and I signed up to extend for another year.  I'm not sure about the details of why it happened or if that timing is significant, but I think I tried to upload a new version and when I did I was unable to sync my notes.  So I had no notes on my desktop version.  Any new note created on desktop or anywhere else (web version) will sync after that point.  So I have about 15 of 300 notes on my desktop. The older notes are on the web version.  I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling with no success.  I engaged customer service and have gone through all suggestions with no help. Frankly, I am surprised at the email only customer service.  I am running windows 8.  Your help is appreciated.  thanks

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  It sounds like you are actually logged into a different account.  Try logging out of Evernote on the desktop and then log back in with the same user ID you use for the web.

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Logged out on the web version and signed back in with same ID as on the desktop version.   Same outcome.  I have 322 notes on web version and 15 on the desktop version.  Thanks for the help.  

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  • Level 5*

Try logging out and in on the desktop - that's the one that seems connected to the wrong account.  Can you see the 15 notes you do have in with the 322 on the web?

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Have logged out/in many times.  Same result.  I can see the 15 notes that I posted in the last week only on the desktop version.  These 15 and 300 more show up on the web version.  So it is syncing correctly since the start of this problem, but I cannot get the desktop to see the other 300 or so notes that existed before and are still on the web version.  thanks much again for your quick response.

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  • Level 5*

OK - last try:  Close Evernote down completely (File > Exit) and make a backup of your current databases folder,  which you'll find at C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Evernote\Evernote\Databases.  Once you've done the backup,  open that folder up and find the <user>.EXB file,  which is your local database.  F2 or right-click,  and Rename it to <user>.exb.old


Now log back into Evernote and wait for it to re-create your database and index from the server.  Then you should have all your notes!

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  • Level 5*

For some reason the desktop believed it had an up to date copy of all the notes - may have been a left-over cookie or a control file somewhere with the wrong information.  When there was no database at all (that it could find) the server just junked everything and created a new set of correct data.  Glad it's working anyway!

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