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Alternatives to Evernote?

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Anyone know of a good alternative to Evernote?  I find that with each new version, the application becomes more and more cluttered, increasingly asking me to share or post or chat do lots of new things with Evernote other than its original core function, things that other applications do as well or better.  It's also difficult to find answers to simple questions, such as how one alphabetizes a list of notes (I figured it out after wasting time in the cluttered and unhelpful community site).  I'm sure there are many power users who love all the new things that Evernote can do but for those of us who just want a place to store & sync notes, I think it is time to move on.

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Depends how you use Evernote. I guess there is only OneNote from Microsoft worth considering.


For example, for me there is not much hope.

  1. I clip lots of content from the web (desktop and mobile). Evernote's clipper is the market leader.
  2. I work with Skitch a lot. Having all my stuff in one place automatically saved is a life-saver.
  3. I have already built a habit of searching my Evernote before I use Google. Evernote search works really really well and no competitor is close.
  4. Evernote's powerful enough to use it as one tool instead of many apps and I have already learned how to do it and put an effort to do it:
    1. I clip articles from the web, add a "#Reading" tag and save it to my "Action" notebook. In my shortcuts' bar I have "#Reading" saved search which only shows notes with "#Reading" tag within the "Action" notebook. So when I finish reading an article I move to my "Cabinet" notebook. That way I do not have to use Pocket or other 3rd party app.
    2. I have a number of formal letter templates as notes. I do not need to use Word to write these and after printing they look very well. If I happen to need to send something by post or just write a memo to a coworker or the boss, I use the template, print it out and it's done.
    3. I scan recipes into Evernote so I have a cookbook always on me. Sometimes at other people's homes I scan recipes from their cookbooks if I find something interesting.
    4. other work flows for car maintenance, receipts, etc.
  5. I already set up Evernote for my needs.
  6. I am lazy so I figured out I can learn to not see these new sharing functionalities instead of changing the entire world because of one or two buttons. And so I did. I simply omit them in the interface and the programme works fine.

So in the end of the day Evernote remains my app for note taking and storing stuff. And I can live with one or two buttons which I do not use. Just the way I live with 1000+ features of Excel, Outlook, Word, Powerpoint I do not use...


Protip: One cool thing to know about forums... Forum search usually sucks. Using site: operator in Google usually helps. Not only in this forum. Example: http://goo.gl/7zeyLJ

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