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Email address alert

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Every morning, when I start Evernote, I get an alert asking me to verify that such&such is my email address so that I can be advised of something or other. I have 8 notebooks which are all local notebooks and my default notebook ajayvella's notebook which is not a local notebook and I cannot delete it, I deliberately leave empty. I do not sync anything to anywhere !!!


My question: Can I stop Evernote asking me about my email address every morning? I know it's just a matter of closing the alert and ignoring it but it is becoming an annoyance.

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  I had a couple of these recently - that's just Evernote trying to stay in touch and keep your records up to date in case you need to prompt a password recovery email or some such.  It's designed as an online tool,  so they tend to assume you'll need to log in fairly frequently..  but once you've confirmed your email you shouldn't be getting these every single time.  Do you File > Exit Evernote each time you've finished with the app?  It may be enough just to close the window if you;re the only user.  If that doesn't help though I'd definitely suggest raising a support request by choosing "login/account access issue" in the first dropdown after logging in here> https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action

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