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Bug report: Sync failed

Daniel Geng

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I am a user from China, when i use proxy(goagent, just the pac patter),then the Sync will failed.

I must close pac pattern goagent,and open Evernote, the sync will work.It still works when i reopen goagent again.

It seems that Evernote use IE proxy by default when it start.

So is there any chance you guys can add proxy setting in Evernote.


part of the Activity log:

14:31:25 [13932] 83% * note content, length=2023390
14:31:26 [13932] 100% Submitting a batch of 19 note calls, size=8.3MB
14:31:29 [99108] AutoUpdate: checking for update at: https://update.evernote.com/public/ENWin5/update.xml
14:31:33 [99108] Unable to send HTTP request: 12057
14:31:42 [13932] 100% No more data to read.
14:31:42 [23132] Client synchronization finished, status: failed
14:31:42 [23132] * elapsed time: 19s

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22:38:46 [5032] 98% * guid={3d29732a-4c54-4ce2-9272-c53b3f394fc2}

22:39:06 [10432] 98% No more data to read.

22:39:07 [5924] Client synchronization finished, status: failed

22:39:07 [5924] * 300 items received

22:39:07 [5924] * elapsed time: 1m 9s

22:41:47 [4432] Registered session count: 1, last session: 2015/01/19 22:30:00

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I am a user from China, when i use proxy(goagent, just the pac patter),then the Sync will failed.

I must close pac pattern goagent,and open Evernote, the sync will work.It still works when i reopen goagent again.

It seems that Evernote use IE proxy by default when it start.

So is there any chance you guys can add proxy setting in Evernote.

Set the proxy in Internet Explorer settings. We use IE as our transport layer.

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