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Hi everybody
It's my first message in this forum and my english is not very good, I apologize for that.

I have Evernote on my phone (android) and on 2 PCs. In one of them (windows 7) Everenote does not want to sync. I always have the message "la synchronisation a échouée" (synchronization has failed). I tried to uninstall then reinstall Evernote, but the problem remains. My version is up to date (5.6.4), I don't know what to do.
If anyone has a solution...
Thank you in advance.

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  • Level 5*

Please raise a support ticket.  You may not get much response other than an acknowledgement,  but it raises a flag that something needs attention here.  You know that all your devices sync to and from the central server,  so the W7 PC is the problem - try going to Help > Activity Log and checking the content there - it may point to a particular note that is causing the problem.  If you have no unsynced notes or local notebooks on this machine it's worth uninstalling Evernote completely - log out first and close all other applications - and then restart the device and reinstall to try again..  sometimes it takes a few attempts to get rid of the problem.

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