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shared notebooks - doesn't appears on mobiles

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we using Evernote with 3 accounts. I could share a notebook with the others and on the desktop-accouts of the others it appears. The can work on it, perfect.


But on the mobile devices (BB 10, iPhone 4S) the doesn't appears. The have only the privat notebooks on it, but not the shared.


What I have to change, that the shared notebooks also appears on the mobiles?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, very stubborn!


It doesn't work. Neither a new notebook, nor the renaming of the other notebook.


On the desktop, I have the shared notebook together with the own notebooks. When I log in on the net, I see my own notebooks (the are on the BB), and in an other folder the shared notebook (which I haven't on the BB). Maybe I have/could change there anything?

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