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new user - sync problem

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i am a new user.  like what i can do.  issue. created an evernote usage on a new windows computer. used my account and passwork.  what shows up are the tilles of my save data.   but the data is not displayed.

if i go to my old device and make a change to a document. the change and all the old data is now viabile on the new computer.  would liek to have all my documents readble on new computr.  done a syne does not fix this issue.am concern about makina a change and sync a blank document in place of my real document.  suggestion?



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  • Level 5*

Hi. Evernote does (or should) sync between computers and show all your notes on both devices.  If you haven't already synced both machines successfully I'd suggest you do so and then try to view your notes again.

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thanks for the suggestion.   sync does not seem to work.

i can see the tittle only, not the document content.

the only way i can do this is - go to evernote app, make a change to the document. and save.   then when i go to the new computer the full document is visable.

if i open the document on the evernote app read and close withou any changes. then on the new computer i can only see the tittle.

i hit the sync button on the new coputer and nothereing happens.

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  • Level 5*

OK - you know that your computers sync through the central Evernote servers?  Can you check what notes are being sent and received from each computer via a browser by logging in to Evernote.com?  If one computer is sending and receiving notes correctly,  but the other one is not,  then we know which one has a problem.  You may have to think about uninstalling and reinstalling the app on one or both devices to try to fix the issue.  One basic thing though - are you syncing your computer before and after making any changes on both computers?  IE if you make a change on one computer,  that has to sync to the internet.  Then when you move to the other computer,  you need to sync to the internet to receive that change.

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