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(Archived) Tips for newbiee

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Hi all,

I am in the middle og going paperless in both my office and private enviroment. I have purchased a Fujitsu snapscan scanner to help me in the process of getting my file cabinet on my computer. I now want to get all these files on a evernote account, but i cannot quite figure out what the best approach is regarding how to organize my files (mostly pdf's, some e-mails).

As mentioned above i am going paperless both in the private world and the office (i am a freelance developer with a couple of different business on the side). Therefore i overall have 4 "main categories", being "Private", "Work 1", "Work 2", "Work 3".

Common for all the top categories are that i need to have all my reciepts and invoices (both incomming and outgoing (except for the private category)). But not only that, i need to be able to organize them into quaters of the year (Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 for each year) to keep botm my self and my account happy.

Besides these main categories there ofcourse also is categories like Private/Recipies, Private/User manuals, Work 1/Clients/Client 1 and so on and so on.

As evernote does not support subnotebooks, i have a hard time of thinking of the correct and best way of acheving my goal the best way.

Any ideas as to how i would setup my notebooks and tabs the best possible way?


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  • Level 5
Common for all the top categories are that i need to have all my reciepts and invoices (both incomming and outgoing (except for the private category)). But not only that, i need to be able to organize them into quaters of the year (Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 for each year) to keep botm my self and my account happy.

Try to keep the number of notebooks to a minimum. The more you have, the bigger the chance of losing something by placing it in the wrong notebook.

NOTE: The following might be over-the-top for someone just starting with Evernote.

To keep track of my searches, I have 4 notes with all my searches. Whenever I do a search, I always throw it into the appropriate note.

Evernote Search for People

Evernote Search for Places

Evernote Search for Things

Evernote Search for Dates

In the dates notebook, I have relative searches for CREATED:

this week = created:week (since Sunday)

last week = created:week-1 (Since last Sunday)

this month = created:month

last month = created:month-1

Subjectdate is more difficult because it only accepts specific dates, but would be more suitable for your needs.

Subjectdate during September 2009

subjectdate:20090701 -subjectdate:20090801

You could modify these to reflect quarters of a year. Just be sure that the subject date correctly reflects the date you are interested in. I would expect that in the future, Evernote will have an improved and easier-to-use search feature for dates.

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