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Tag a Notebook or Stack


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I didn't see a post directly related to this topic; please forgive me if it's already been addressed.


Is there currently a way to tag an entire notebook or stack?  I'm not seeing a way to accomplish this but would find it useful when needing to tag an entire series of notes with the same tag.  If there isn't a way, can you please consider adding this to your product backlog as a feature enhancement?


For reference:


Thanks very much,

Josh Carroll



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  • Level 5*

Tags only apply to notes, and not notebooks or stacks. It's easy enough to tag all notes in a notebook or stack by selecting a notebook or stack via whatever means you use, and then selecting all of the notes in the resulting note list. At that point, you can either use the multi-select panel that appears, or the Assign Tags dialog (hotkey is Ctrl+Alt+T), and assign a tag.

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