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(Archived) Difference in "Current Monthly Usage"

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I'm using evernote on my MacBook Pro, iPhone and a Windows XP PC.

After uploading some files in the last few days, the Mac-Client tells me I've used more then 36 MB of my monthly usage, while the iPhone, the PC and the Web-version say I've used less than 20 MB.

After calculating a little bit what I've uploaded, the 20 MB seem to be right, but why does the Mac-client show another usage-status?

I'm currently on the free Evernote plan, so does this mean I won't be able to upload any more notes sometime soon for this month or is this just a bug in the Mac-Version?

Thanks in advance.

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Try emptying the trash on the Mac client, and then hit Sync. If you create a note on the client and then put it in the trash, the Mac will count it against your "virtual quota" even though it doesn't send it to the servers. This makes sure that you're able to safely pull it out of the trash without suddenly going over your limit.

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