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Note history and encryption

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A couple of times a day Evernote takes a snapshot of a note, which is a nice premium feature. However, if I decide to encrypt a piece of text in a note some time after I created it, the text is still unencrypted in the history. That means it did not make sense to encrypt it in the first place.


I use Evernote on Windows and Mac, but also on web and android. The last two platforms do not support encryption. Typically I type the note text un-encrypted on these platforms, and encrypt them once I'm back at my PC/Mac. By that time the note history has already been created.


I feel this is a security hole. Evernote should either

- remove the snapshot when a newer version contains encrypted text, or

- Enable encryption on all platforms



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Wow this is certainly an interesting problem and one users ought to be aware of. I rarely do encryption in EN because I find the process in EN to be a bit laborious, so this was not something I had thought about. Indeed this is an area that EN should look at.


Even better, Evernote should work on considerably enhancing the encryption feature altogether (such as encrypting at the notebook level), though these things take time so perhaps something is already in the works!

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