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Pasting into Evernote

dr wright

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I was able to paste copied material into Evernote.

Now, 2014 June 16, I cannot.

Is there a work around

Here is what I would like to paste


I. Necrotizing enterocolitis.

A.) Abdominal distention.

B.) Small bowel ileus, distal small bowel.

C.) Intraluminal sloughed mucosa with abundant bacteria.

D.) Multifocal mucosal and transmural hemorrhage and necrosis.

1.) Remote intestinal perforation (closed).

a.) Peritonitis.

E.) Clinical history ofprematurity.

F.) Clinical history of TPN and feeds.

G.) Clinical history ofpersistent patent ductus arteriosus.

1.) Status post Indomethacin therapy (clinical).

II. Sepsis.

A.) Hypotension, clinical.

B.) Bradycardia, clinical.

C.) Metabolic acidosis, clinical.

D.) Left shift, peripheral smear.

III. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia.

A.) Clinical history ofrespiratory distress syndrome.

1.) Status post surfactant x2.

B.) Ventilator dependent (clinical).

1.) Extubated,03/31/13.

a.) Post extubation retractions and high oxygen requirement.

2.) Re-intubated,04/01113.

C.) Diffuse interstitial fibrosis, multifocal hyaline membranes and multifocal


IV. Acute bronchopneumonia, early.

V. Clinical history ofiatrogenic hypercalcemia via TPN (24.9 mg).

A.) Status post normal saline bolus and Lasix (PM calcium level down to 17 mg).

VI. Clinical history ofprematurity (born ~25 weeks 2 days gestation).

A.) Neonatal apnea and bradycardia, clinical.

B.) Respiratory distress syndrome.

C.) Persistent ductus arteriosus.

1.) Status post ligation (03115/13).

D.) Anemia ofprematurity (clinical).

1.) Status post blood transfusions.

E.) Grade II intraventricular hemorrhage (resolved)

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