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Can't record audio note on iphone 4

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I can't seem to record audio notes on my iPhone 4 from Evernote. I know I've had this capability in the past because I have old audio note in my Evernote notebook. But when I try to play one, everything is grayed out and I can't press play.


When I try to create a new audio note by touching the record icon at the bottom of a new note, I get a message that says "User access denited. You have denied Evernote access to your microphone. This can be changed in your device's privacy settings." But when I go to privacy settings and touch "microphone," Evernote is not listed as one of the apps that has requested access to my microphone.


I've read postings about a paperclip and that will access an audio note, but I don't have a paperclip in my version of Evernote, which is 7.3.1.


Does anyone have any ideas?

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