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Hi, I'm new to Evernote and Penultimate but I'm also excited to be using both for work and home. My question is, how do the two work together, and how do i combine handwritten notes in Penultimate with documents saved in EN? is that even possible? i guess I pictured having a notebook for a topic with everything in that book, including hand notes as well as emails, letters and memos from meetings. i start out ok in Penultimate, but that is as far as i get. i must be missing something though becuase I can't seem to bring them all together. I've tried to find help in tutorials but so far none have answered my questions. any help would be greatly appriciated!

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When you connect Penultimate (PU) with your EN account, it creates a Notebook in EN entitled "Penultimate".  Anything you create on your iPad in PU will automatically sync (as long as you have your settings to allow this) as a Note in the Penultimate Notebook in EN.


You can edit the PU Note in EN. Or

You can drag two notes together in the PU Notebook and they will become one note.  Or,

You can move a PU Note to any other Notebook you have. Or

You can move a PU Note to any other Notebook you have, then combine that Note with another Note by dragging on atop another.


So, yes, you can combine your handwritten PU Notes with other Notes containing text, images, PDFs, etc.  You can combine several Notes together into one Note as well.


Let me know if this answer your questions.

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Awesome and thank you for the information! So is EN the dominate program where you can drag PU items into EN but not the other way around? i guess i was  looking it literally like PU like a real note book that you put stuff in rather than a file system.  Thank you again for the answers; i'm looking forward to incorporating this system into how i organize notes and information for projects and meetings; it's going to take a bit to get used to but in the long run I think it will be worth it.

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Penultimate really only gives you the ability to move notes around within penultimate notebooks. The actual Evernote application allows you to do things like copy and paste Penultimate pages into other Evernote notes for example. 


You can think of Penultimate really as a real notebook. It is comprised of ordered pages that you can draw on at your whim. If you want you can go into Evernote and "pull pages out" (so to speak) or "copy" pages (again, so to speak) into other places in Evernote.


You can also use Penultimate without really ever thinking about Evernote, if you wished.


But it is important to remember that Penultimate and Evernote are connected by a 1-way street. You can write things in Penultimate and they show up in Evernote, but the things you do in Evernote (type out a note, clip a web page, store a PDF, etc) will not show up in Penultimate. Currently, Penultimate doesn't have the capacity to "import" things from any other location (The exception being images from your device's camera roll). 

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Awesome and thank you for the information! So is EN the dominate program where you can drag PU items into EN but not the other way around? i guess i was  looking it literally like PU like a real note book that you put stuff in rather than a file system.  Thank you again for the answers; i'm looking forward to incorporating this system into how i organize notes and information for projects and meetings; it's going to take a bit to get used to but in the long run I think it will be worth it.

That's correct.  Like Scott said, it is only a one-way street for PU.  You can only "Create" in PU, not "Transfer Into" PU.

However, EN is that "real notebook" you are looking to put stuff into.  You can put almost anything in your EN account with any client (PC, iPad, Mac, Tablet, etc) and always have it with you with your iPad.   You just have to remember to "sync" each time you put anything into EN, that way any of your other clients will be able to "sync" it down for use.  Did that make sense?


Anyway, EN is that notebook you are looking for and PU is one great source to put information in EN.

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