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[FEATURE REQUEST] geo reminders?

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Hi all,

I can't find any reference to GEO reminders in these forums.

So, I'm posting here a feature request for GEO reminders.


Would be nice to have them in evernote. You set a location for a reminder (i.e.: your preferrend store) and when you get near to it the EN reminder would pop-up.

The same as you can do with Google Keep, for example.

To enhance it further (in respect to Keep), it would be nice to have a feature that will allow you to choose if you want to be warned everytime you get near the marked location until you set the note as 'done' or you delete it.


What do you think?



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  • Level 5*

Sounds interesting,  but you'd have to have your GPS on full-time and have network access (or an offline searchable note) so Evernote has access to the list of locations and your current locale.  Plus then Evernote has to send you a reminder,  prompted by the GPS status - which means you can only have 'live' reminders and again you maybe need network access to prompt the notification.  Lots of access plus GPS open full time - my battery would never stand it...

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  • 7 months later...

Hi Tony,


I'm the co-founder of IdeaPlaces for Evernote an app for iPhone that provides you with location based reminders for both Arrival and Departure. There are many more features around places.

You can download the app from here: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id835446337?mt=8


You can also read and follow the app updates here: https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/60737-ideaplaces-a-new-way-to-explore-and-use-evernote/


Kind regards,

Ciprian Rarau,

Co-founder of IdeaPlaces

Website: http://www.ideaplaces.com

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