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Copy text & photos from email to EN. Then copy back to new email - Photos lost.

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I copy a 5 page long email to EN. It contains text and 3 photos.  I later copy from EN to a new email.  It looks ok(in Mac Mail), but after I send it each photo is replaced with a box and text: 




I use Mac Mail/Gmail, OS X 10.9.1 Mavericks and EN Version 5.4.4 (402282)


This means I can not use EN to store emails I wish to reuse on a regular basis.  It also means I can not safely use EN to copy images to email at all, since I can not be sure until email is sent that photo will go with it!


Any ideas?





  • Level 5*

How did you copy the email to Evernote?  Mail client clipper? Forward to EN email address? Copy and paste?

  • Level 5*

Clearly that doesn't work too well - try forwarding the email to your EN email address to see if that makes a difference..


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