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Link to "Product Updates" cancelled?

Guest mrossk

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Until yesterday I followed this blog:




Today this blog seems not longer be available. I can only found another blog (blog.evernote.com), but this contains many advertising for Evernote that I do not need.


Is the blog "Product Updates" now located at an other place?

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Looks like they redesigned their blogs in a pretty big way. I imagine announcements about product updates will just appear in the "news" section. Currently the update to "Skitch" appears there, so I expect future app update announcements will too. 


http://blog.evernote.com does contain a lot of extra Evernote mumbojumbo. In part this is because blog.evernote.com is a "landing point" for several evernote blogs (News, Tips and Tricks, At Work). All these "advertisements" are actually highlighted posts from these various blogs. 


If you go to:



it is altogether a much cleaner presentation because you are viewing only a single blog (the News blog). No highlights pulled from three blogs to display. 

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