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(Archived) Issues with Evernote on Mac



Hi everyone,


I am a premium user of EVERNOTE.. and I use Evernote across the Mac (o/s 10.8.5), Iphone 4, Galaxy Note 2 and Ipad.  I have noticed several bugs..


1. There is no issue in synching the notes .. (Great)

2. I use Evernote daily for my work and here are some of the issues that I encounter :


a. In creating tables, sometimes, i find a portion of the table is missing a portion of the columns and there is no way to remedy this. Example..

  > Table of 7 rows with 5 Columns..

  In the first 3 rows, you can enter data in the 5 columns. Then for some strange reason, in row 4 to 7, you suddenly find that you cannot use columns 4 or 5 as it is missing.


b. When you Cut & Paste a portion of the data into any column - say coumn 5, sometimes you find that part of the data has shifted into Column 4. Actually, when you go to column 4, you cannot access the data. The data is actually still in Column 5 but when displayed, it seem to have been overlayed to Column. I usually fixed this by manually using the cursor and gently using the space bar to tab the sentence back within the column.


ANyone else experiencing these 'bugs'?  Its a little primitive but I am learning to live with it.


Few Other questions :


1.  Will Evernote consider having a "UNDO" function  ? like when you suddenly delete something and want it back immediately?

2. Will Evernote consider having fixed columns ?

3. Will Evernote plan in their new releases to have coloured backgrounds for the whole Note  or say, within the table?





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