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(Archived) Sync Failed error iPad since installing Penultimate


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I did two things recently: set up two-factor authentication using Google's authenticator, and installed Penultimate on my iPad to experiment with it. I set up Penultimate to sync one of its notebooks to Evernote. Since then Evernote on my iPad will not sync. I get a "sync failed" error and the detail is "Could not sync '(name of the Penultimate notebook). The content is invalid". 


I deleted Penultimate, and I deleted that notebook in Evernote on the iPad, but I keep getting that error. I tried to open a support ticket when EN offered me that option (very nice), but the green circle spins and nothing happens.


So now my iPad's Evernote no longer syncs with my account.


iPad with latest iOS 7.


Any suggestions? Thanks.

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