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(Archived) Full screen and long documents


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In the current version of Evernote for IOS there are 2 features that need addressing.

When a note is selected, the full screen icon is located on the actual part of the screen that scrolls up so that if you are at the bottom of a long note and need full screen mode you have to scroll all the way to the top to activate it. It should be added to the toolbar that above the note that does not move when you scroll.

Again with long notes, when scrolling and scrolling it takes forever to get to the bottom. Either an icon that zips to the bottom of the page in toolbar is needed or as in other apps that sense when you are scrolling a lot, have a floating down or up arrow show up that zips you to the bottom or top.

Hope this makes sense

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  • Level 5

I agree. I think the complete title of the note including the notebook etc. should stay visible when scrolling down at least on the iPad. On the iPhone this might take too much space and putting the icon into the top bar might be the better solution.

I also would like to have a quick way to scroll down. Scrolling up works fast by tapping the top of the screen but scrolling to the bottom of a long note to add something takes too long.

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