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(Archived) Evernote Web Clipper breaks NetClick - popular web-based classroom response system


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We are receiving lots of reports from teachers, who use Evernote Web Clipper, that it breaks basic functionality of netclick.me classroom response system. You can verify that by enabling the Evernote Web Clipper in e.g. Chrome and going to our Demo (www.netclick.me). For now we are telling teachers to switch off or remove Evernote Web Clipper, but I thought it would be go to reach to you guys so you can fix it.

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to reproduce the problem simply follow these steps:
1. Install and enable the Evernote Web Clipper extension for Google Chrome (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/evernote-web-clipper/pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc?hl=en-US).
2. Visit http://netclick.me/ and click the big red "Get Started Now" button.
3. Follow the on-screen steps, until you get into a presentation by clicking the "Play" button.
4. When it asks if you have a smartphone / tablet with you, click "No.". You will now see overlapping overlays, this only happens when using the web clipper.
5. Exit the presentation by going to http://netclick.me/presentations
6. Click the play button again.
7. You will notice in the top left-hand corner of the presentation view that there is a wifi icon with a strike through it. This indicates that there is no network connectivity. It appears that the web clipper is breaking our web sockets in some way or another. Judging by the websocket frames something is causing all of our messages to become duplicated.

Kurt Schwarz
Chief Technology Officer
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