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(Archived) Clipper prevents an e-commerce site from working (kauppa.saunalahti.fi)


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We discovered that our e-commerce web application (https://kauppa.saunalahti.fi) doesn't work when the Evernote Clipper extension is enabled in Chrome (tested on OSX).


In the developer log, you can see at least three different kinds of Javascript errors, randomly when you refresh the page.


1) an object is not "instanceof" EventStream while it should be

2) ga (google analytics) is not defined

3) Bacon.$ doesn't have the method lazyAjax


We debugged this on an unminified version of the application and


1) the object does seem like an EventStream object but the instanceof check fails.  

3) The lazyAjax and many other methods are missing from Bacon.$


Without Evernote Clipper the application works just fine.


Any ideas what could be causing this? Does the clipper do something really nasty? You should be able to reproduce this just by going to the site with Chrome and Clipper.

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