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(Archived) Use Dropbox or Sugarsync Files in Evernote

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I'm new to the Evernote-Tool and I was looking for a way to integrate/link files from my Dropbox/Sugarsync-Folders to Evernote. Does anybody have an idea how this could work. I just wan't my exisiting folder system in the mentioned cloud services and to keep the links a create Evernote actual (because sometimes I work on the documents I link in Evernote after the Evernote notes have been created....



Thanks for ideas!

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  • Level 5*

Hi - welcome to the forums. You can use files in other folders in two ways with Evernote - either by setting up that folder as an "Import Folder" (in a Windows desktop version anyway) which will automatically move any files in that folder into Evernote and attach them to a note,  from which you can open and edit them as though they were still stored elsewhere;  or by putting a link in your note which points to that file/ folder so you can jump to the original file when you want to work on it.

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Thanks a lot for your answer. I think putting a link to the original file is what I want. (The import folder just does not change the fact, that the files get in the database of Evernote and are not in my original folder).


Does anybody know how this works with network drives? Can I put a link of files that are stored in Dropbox or Sugarsync?



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  • 2 months later...

If you right click the file in your Dropbox folder, it will give you the option to "Share Dropbox Link" for either files or entire folders.  You can then go back to Evernote, select the text you want to attach the link to and hit command-K.  That will open up a window where you can then paste the Dropbox link on your clipboard by hitting command-V.  Those are Mac specific combos so use the Windows equivalent which I think is Ctrl-K and Ctrl-V.


The only potential issue here that I've run into is that if you end up moving the file or change the directory structure, the link does not update with the files new location so you'll have to re-do the link.  Maybe someone has found a workaround?

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  • Level 5*

You're right about the Windows commands,  but I don't think there's a workaround for moving the files - if you change the name,  or where they are stored,  the link will be invalid.

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