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MacBook switches to Evernote workspace every time Hazel adds PDF to Intray



I have set up a Hazel rule on my MacBook to send any PDFs that I download to my Downloads folder to my Evernote Intray. This is working really well, but with one minor problem. Each time that a PDF arrives in the Evernote Intray, my MacBook switches to the Evernote fullscreen workspace. This a real pain as if I'm downloading multiple files from a website, I have to keep switching back to the Safari workspace. Can anyone tell me how to prevent this problem? 

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I don't know much about Hazel, but I guess your rule simply opens the file in Evernote. This would bring Evernote to the foreground. I would look at the portion of the rule more closely that deals with the import/opening part. Evernote also has AppleScript support, which might help in specifically telling Evernote to import the file, not just to open it.


As a stab in the dark, you could try the following:


Instead of letting Hazel open the file in Evernote, configure the rule to:

Run Applescript

embedded script

tell application "Evernote" to create note from file theFile


By using AppleScript, you could also achieve other potentially useful stuff like tagging these new notes with "download", or such: tell application "Evernote" to create note from file theFile tags {"download"}


Please let me know if this helps. Good luck!


P.S.: If you are already using AppleScript, the script might cause Evernote to activate by telling it to "open" or to "activate". Getting rid of this part might help then.

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I don't know much about Hazel, but I guess your rule simply opens the file in Evernote. This would bring Evernote to the foreground. I would look at the portion of the rule more closely that deals with the import/opening part. Evernote also has AppleScript support, which might help in specifically telling Evernote to import the file, not just to open it.


As a stab in the dark, you could try the following:


Instead of letting Hazel open the file in Evernote, configure the rule to:

Run Applescript

embedded script

tell application "Evernote" to create note from file theFile


By using AppleScript, you could also achieve other potentially useful stuff like tagging these new notes with "download", or such: tell application "Evernote" to create note from file theFile tags {"download"}


Please let me know if this helps. Good luck!


P.S.: If you are already using AppleScript, the script might cause Evernote to activate by telling it to "open" or to "activate". Getting rid of this part might help then.


Hey, thanks for that, I'm experiencing the same problem as the previous user. Thing is, I just copied the following script from a source I found online.


tell application "Evernote"


  create note from file theFile notebook {"Notebook Name"} tags {"tag1", "tag 2", "tag 3", "tag 4"}

end tell


How would I modify it so that Evernote doesn't jump into foreground everytime Hazel adds a new file as a note?


Thanks for any help in advance!





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