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(Archived) Search-weird problem

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I did a quick F6 search looking for a particular phrase.  But I now cannot get the search field to go away.  Clicking on other notebooks, entering a space and clicking search again, no luck.  It's like it's "stuck" there.  Even searching for a new term in a note that I want to access results in nothing.  The only option is to click the View All Notes, but that crazy search option stays at the top.  Closing and re-opening Evernote doesn't change it either.



Once you search is that a permanent link/line option?

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Hi humteri, welcome to the forum :)

I am not exactly sure what you are referring to here? Perhaps you could provide us with a screenshot, which may help to narrow down what you are seeing.

The Evernote search does not reset once you have found what you are looking for. To reset the search, you need to hit F6 again, all notes, or the X at the end of the search bar. Clicking on the search bar, and entering more search terms only adds those terms to the already searched items.


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