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(Archived) Hotkey Suggestion for Evernote Windows...


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The current Evernote Windows hotkey is counter intuitive:


Ctrl + N for new note, cursor automatically switch to the note area

- F2 for title

Tab Cursor switch to URL

Another Tab Cursor switch to note area

- F3 for title

Tab Cursor disappear


My suggestion:

Ctrl + N for new note, cursor automatically switch to Title

Tab Cursor switch to tag

Another Tab: Cursor switch to note area

Shift tab = Reverse Tab



First tab switch to Note area

other hotkey for tag

{Ctrl, Alt, Ctrl + Alt, Ctrl + Shift, Ctrl + Shift + Alt, Alt + Shift} + {T, G}

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  • Level 5*

What is "intuitive"? Most computer behavior is learned, not intuitive -- we didn't come out of the womb knowing how to operate these things, you know.

Anyways, there is some help, thanks to forum member spg SCOTT and his shared notebook of Evernote Help: http://www.evernote.com/pub/spgscott/evernote-help

To make a new note switch to the Title first, you need to set edit the SetNewNoteFocusToTitle registry value to 1. Most of the relevant Evernote registry keys are located in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Evernote\Evernote key. You can also check out Scott's EnRegEd tool for accessing hidden Evernote options in the Windows registry:http://http://discussion.evernote.com/topic/28514-tip-tool-for-accessing-hidden-options-in-the-windows-client/

Unfortunately tabbing through the note info panel has never been quite correct; I'd agree that that should be fixed.

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  • Level 5*

You can hide it by cycling through the various note panel configurations using the F8 key, but it's on the same line as tags, so not very practical, from my way of working anyways.

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