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(Archived) Not able to take notes anymore + Changing the properties

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Hello from Germany :-)

First of all I want to apologize for my bad english. This is the reason why I am asking in a new topic. I symply dont know which searchphrases to use. :-(

Although I disabled the synchonize-option for my onlineaccount I can't store notes anymore.

Any help?

And how can I change the notebookproperties?

Any help will be apreciated.

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Guten tag aus [von?] California! Meine Deutsch ist nicht so güt, auch.

You cannot change a Synchronized notebook into a Local notebook. Instead, you should make a new Local notebook and then move your notes into that new notebook. To move your notes, select them (or Select All with Control-A), then drag and drop them onto the new Local notebook.

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