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(Archived) Need a fixed-width font in Evernote 5 on Mac



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  • Level 5*

Hi. Welcome to the forums!

You have access to any font you have installed, including fixed-width fonts, just as always. Andalé Mono is a monospaced font available in the dropdown font menu. I'm kind of a 12 pt. Courier New kind of guy myself, so in the Preferences, I have changed the font for both Note text and Note plain text. Of course, if you ever want to change the font, you can use CMD + T to open the font selector. Alas! if you use the iPad, your "default font" that you set in the preferences will render as the "default font" on the iPad, and unless you are an Arial (?) kind of guy, then things will look wrong. I beieve (though I'll have to confirm this sometime) that using the new "make plain text" feature on the Mac will get the font to register the same way on the iPad.

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I see. CMD+T is very helpful. Thanks!

Yeah, I meant the font in dropdown font menu. I have the following fonts in it:


Arial Black

Brush Script MT

Comic Sans MS



Times New Roman

Trebuchet MS


I felt it used to have courier, but not there anymore.

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  • Level 5*

Glad I could help. It should never have had courier, but what happened to andale mono? I've had that option on every Mac I've installed Evernote onto, so that seems odd.

What version of OSX are you running?

What version of Evernote?

Are you using the appstore or direct download version!

There is a hack for changing the dropdown menu options. I'll try and dig that up for you.

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