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(Archived) Updating server database, 100% done - Does not mean 100%!

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Hi All,

Whilst still trying to find out why I am not synching properly I thought I should point this out.

'Updating server database, 100% done'

Does not mean it has finished updating!

Having opened up the 'Activity Log' under help for those who have not used or seen it. You can see that activity for the sync is still going on, but very slowly on some notes indeed. I have been watching this and trying to sort it out for a couple of hours. I cannot at this stage identify if it is locking up on a specific note. But will keep viewing.

Boy this is tedious!




Total sync to sort all my problems out took 1 hour.

So don't be impatient if you have been having problems it can take a while to sort out!

Right back to linking 'import folders'!




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