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(Archived) REQUEST: Sync setup control from PC

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I add/delete/change notebooks frequently. I also have all my notebooks setup to be offline, so I have a copy of all notes on each device where I use Evernote (e.g. phone, tablet, PC). It would be much more user friendly if sync setup could be controlled centrally. When I first create a notebook, I'd like to be able to tell Evernote that this notebook should be setup as offline on each of my devices. The way it works today, after I make a change, I have to go to each device individually, and tell it for each new/changed notebook that it should be "offline" because it defaults to sync, but not offline.

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  • Level 5*

I'm not sure that that's a common use case for Evernote users, since some folks' note databases are too large to live on some of the smaller devices, so they need to partition their notebooks into online vs. offline sets, and maybe even different sets for different devices. It's hard for us to say, but I'm guessing that Evernote has some idea of the ratio of online vs. offline notebooks in use, and on which devices, so as the evolution of Evernote, and mobile devices goes along, they may push this sort of feature to a higher priority.

As it is, the new Android clients (you didn't say which clients you are talking about) make it pretty easy to make all notebooks offline. Go to Notebooks. Drop down the menu to the far right (I'm on the Kindle Fire, may be different for phone clients), select "Offline Notebooks". Click on the "Offline Notebooks" menu. Choose "Select all". Done.

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