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(Archived) EN Web Clipper's Simultaneous Search function - single-word searches do not work?


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Hello. I'm using the Web Clipper extension on Chrome on a Mac, and I've noticed that if I do a search for just a single word in Google, I don't get any EN hits, even if the search term is in the actual title of a note or one of its tags. For example, I'm interested in the ways "feisty" is used, and I came across it in a New York Review of Books article. I uploaded a picture of the relevant passage to a notebook and titled the note "NYRB - feisty." Now, if I search <NYRB feisty> in Google, it finds the note. But if I search for just feisty, or just NYRB, there are no hits from Evernote. And if I search from within EN, it will find "feisty" in the photo. I'm not sure if this limitation of web searches to multi-word strings is a bug or by design but, if the latter, I would request that the decision be reconsidered. Sometimes we *do* only remember one word from the thing we're looking for, and that's kind of what EN is all about, right, making it easy to find the stuff we don't fully remember? Or could there be a user setting that allows me to enable single-word searching in Simultaneous Search? Any insight on this would be very much appreciated. Thanks!


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Hi Michael

You will need to enable this feature in the sign in dialog or in the options screen (right click toolbar icon for webclipper > options).

In the recent Chrome updates we've made some changes to this feature. Here are some notes on the new behaviors:

1) We are now using a different search method and show you Related Results rather than the exact same keyword query.

2) If we cannot find any Related results we do not show anything.

Hope that helps.

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