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(Archived) Feature Request: sync only specified notebooks to iPhone

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I use (and love) Evernote quite a bit. My primary notebook has a pretty large number of entries and I like to keep it synchronized between a couple of computers. I also like to use Evernote on my iPhone, but I don't necessarily want to be able to access these huge notebooks. Rather, I use a second notebook where I store quick bits of informations--like maps or directions that I have added from my laptop before going somewhere.

Right now there isn't a way to do this that I can tell--either notebooks exist on one computer or they exist everywhere (including my iPhone). What I would like to see is the ability to specify whether a synced notebooks goes to the mobile phone or not. This way, I could keep my huge notebooks off my iPhone but still be able to view the iPhone specific one.

Thanks! Feedback/suggestions welcome, particularly if there is a way to do this already that I haven't figured out.

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The iPhone is showing all of the notes in your server account ... it doesn't really have a "sync" model other than marking a note as a "favorite" for local access.

You may be able to achieve what you want by creating a saved search that limits the results to what you really want to see on the iPhone and then execute that saved search on the device.

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