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(Archived) More Feature Requests

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  1. I would like to see a highlighting / commenting system like in Google Drive. Collaborators can highlight a selection of text and leave a comment that shows up in a side panel. They have a Resolved button that deletes the comment or you can add more to the comment. Of course Google's system only works on the web version and doesn't carry over to mobile so it's useless.
  2. I would also like to see a unified text editor across all devices. Currently some options are only supported in web, mobile or desktop. For instance if I want to add Quoted text, I can't do it on the web. Have to go to mobile or desktop.
  3. And lastly, it would be helpful to be able to share an entire Stack of Notebooks. Right now I have a stack I want to share with colleagues and all I can do is share each notebook. Every time I create a new notebook in that stack I have to share it with them.

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