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(Archived) How to add notes to an existing PDF in evernote?

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I was wondering how one can add notes to his evernote pdf's? (I'm not talking about making a new note file aside of the pdf, I want to add them into the pdf.

You can open the pdf in the pdf reader and add notes in there, but if you want to save it after adding the notes, you're uploading the whole file new, not only the notes - needless to say, that this way the upload space is used in two days. Now I'm looking for another attempt, anyone willing to offer help?


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  • Level 5*

Hi and welcome to the forums. Sorry, but it's not possible to amend a file in a note and save only the updated items. The same goes for pictures, word processor files and every other type of attachment. You change it, you upload the complete file again, including the new material. If you think about it, the same thing goes for your hard drive - you 'open' the file, make changes, and the complete new package is saved back to the drive. Since Evernote is standing in for the HDD in this context, it's not even a problem that they can address.

If you are only adding extra pages to a PDF file, the only workaround I can suggest in Evernote is to save your files with with 001 - <filename> style names, and add the extras as 002 - <filename> etc names. When you come to use the full file you can quickly stitch the files together in the right order with many PDF editors.

Sooner or later though you'll make other edits in the body of the file, and will have to bite the bullet and save the whole thing again.

Another option would be to use DropBox or another online storage solution for your editing and save only the completed version in Evernote.

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