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(Archived) Shared Notebooks: How do I see who created a shared note?

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Me and a few buddies are a shared notebook in Evernote to gather information about a trekking trip to the Himalayas. I invited them both by email, and both must login to post. The notebook is not open to the world.

It seemed like a really awesome idea at first...

But I'm really disappointed, as I cannot for the life of me figure out which of my two friends posted each note. You can drill into the details of a note, but it only shows "Created", "Modified", and "Size". How could it not show who created it?

If this feature doesn't exist, I'm shocked. This seems like the most obvious, important piece of information for a note in a shared notebook.

If I'm just missing how to see this information, I'm pretty disappointed in the UX people at Evernote.

Maybe shared notebooks are new and they haven't gotten around to this feature? If so, I'd love to request it.

Anyway, sorry for the rant; Evernote is very cool in many ways.


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  • Level 5*

Hi and welcome to the Forum. Awesome project. I can see you're frustrated by this omission, but it isn't normally required in a notebook that was originally designed to extend your own grey matter - in fact I'd be looking for ways to turn this off if my own name kept on coming up in the notes I save. There is a 'click to set author' field in each note, but it's not automatic - you have to enter the details, just like you'd have to sign or tag each note. Suggest you just ask your mates to tag their notes with their own initials - seems an easy and fairly trivial fix.

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gazumped, thanks.

I can see how this doesn't make sense in a single-user experience, and might be overlooked (or hard to implement) when moving to a collaboration experience. But given how central it is to a collaborative experience, I'm surprised that they rolled out shared notebooks without this.

Regardless, agreed, not hard to work around - thanks for the tips.


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I have to agree with Mike on this, I am in a similar boat in a corporate environment.

I am sharing a Notebook with multiple employees who are out on the road with Android tablets and providing feedback from the market via a Notebook I have shared with them.

I can see new notes popping up in my Shared Notebook, but I cannot tell who they are from - yes I can ask them to put their name on it, but it would be so much easier if it just recorded their Evenote login name or email address when they created a new note or edited a note...

Maybe something the dev team can consider for a future release??

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  • Level 5*

Shared notebooks works for knitting patterns and tech tips as well as it does for sales teams and other groups - and building in login requirements and security just makes it harder for the people you're sharing with to see the data. If they're civilians and there's too much admin they may not bother at all. I can see the need for this sort of thing in a business case - maybe we'll see something more in a month or three..

Evernote Business: Coming to Your Office This December

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