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How to Run a Magazine with Evernote

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This was a blog post made a few months ago, but I think it's worthwhile to repost here. I think this is a GREAT example of how designers can use Evernote to develop ideas & inspiration, kickstart projects, and see them through.

Janine Vangool is the publisher and editor of UPPERCASE magazine, and she runs it using Evernote every step of the way! Check out her story: http://blog.evernote.com/2012/06/19/how-to-run-a-magazine-with-evernote-janine-vangool-of-uppercase-video/

What do you all think? Do any of you have interesting stories of how you use Evernote for your design projects?

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  • 2 years later...

I use Evernote for all creative aspects in my organization from organization of potential and current clients to the projects themselves. I have a specific folder for projects in one of my stacks as well as a couple of tags. If a project is in progress, I tag it as such, then when it's complete, I simple tag it as a complete project. I also create mood boards, gather inspiration and information for each project. 

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