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(Archived) Full offline client

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We have done some development work on this (and released closed technology previews last year), but we found that this is an extremely difficult task to do correctly due to performance/reliability limitations of flash and WM.

In the short term, we're greatly improving our IMAP/POP offering, so that you can read cached copies of all of your notes via the mail reader on your mobile device.

In the long term, we're interested in supporting full clients, either those that we develop, or third party applications via our API (coming soon). But this is a very large amount of work, in comparison to a capture tool like we have now.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Although I would really like some kind of off-line client, the imap would be sufficient, even in its current implementation if it only would synchronise ALL my notes instead of just 100.

Evernote rocks!


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