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(Archived) Feature req:Reverse order of notes and font size setting

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I would like to suggest/ask following:

That sort of notes can be reversed. I am used in blog sort where more recent things are on top. I didn't find way to do that. Also that is how tiddlywiki works as well.

Second thing is that I would like to be able to set default font and font type. I like using larger font for notes.

Thank you.


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If you are using evernote as a blog, published notebooks can be sorted by date with the most recent first. On the editing side, however, things remain in a "tape" order -- first to last, top to bottom.

Currently, you can set default font in the options, size not so much--but that is a good idea. At present, the default font is usually ignored but it has been confirmed that this is fixed in the next release.

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