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(Archived) Feature Request: Customizable Dashboard (updated w/ sketch)

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I love Evernote, which I use on my Mac and my iPad.

As a serious user, however, I would love to see a full-featured customizable dashboard--in addition to the standard window.

Such a dashboard could operate as a sort of homepage for Evernote, allowing users to quickly access their most important notes, projects, etc.

The proposed dashboard could include the option of displaying the following:

--Tag cloud of most numerous tags.

--Lists of tags, saved searches, specific notes, or folders marked as favorites.

--Short lists of most recently modified/created notes marked with a particular tag or in a particular folder.

--(Perhaps the dashboard could consist of several widget-spaces that can be slid around and customized along the lines of the custom Google homepage.)

--Tabbed interface with tabs represent main (home) dashboard space as well as particular projects. (In other words, for major projects you could have a tab, and each project "page" could be customized with smart searches, recent notes, favorites, etc.

I realize that implementing a system like this would require a more robust system for tag and folder management (i.e., the ability to sort by popularity and to mark a tag or folder as a favorite)--but this is something that Evernote could really use anyway.

Evernote is already very good at what it does, but I think that for users with over 1000 notes or who add several notes each day, it's too easy to lose track of what all you have dumped in there. A dashboard like the one I have proposed could help make Evernote even more powerful as an information management system.

The attached sketch gives a rough idea of what I am getting at, although it doesn't include the project/tab idea.


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