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(Archived) Evernote not displaying PDF's on Android


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I have scanned a lot of documents into evernote with a NeatReceipts portable scanner. They display great on my Windows machine but for some reason they won't display on my Droid X. I used a Palm Pre before and they wouldn't display on that device either. The Android just shows a big red "X" on the document. I scanned them in through Adobe Acrobat and just imported them into evernote. Anyone know why they won't show on the mobile device? I believe that it's just my scanned info but there have been a few that actually show up. Any thoughts?

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Evernote doesn't have a built-in PDF viewer. My understanding is that Evernote will open any attachment for which you have a viewer installed (Word, Excel, PDF etc.), so you probably need to install a PDF viewer(?)


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